Showing posts with label Codeschool. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Codeschool. Show all posts

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Using Bitbucket with Pycharm

Pycharm (the python IDE) has built in support for Github. That's nice as I want to use git for source code management. Codeschool by the way has a nice free git intro course in their electives area. Enough to get one going with git.

The free Github plan however is restrictive compared to Bitbucket's free plan.

Github: no private repos, limited to just yourself.
Bitbucket: unlimited private repos, up to 5 team members

So how does one configure Pycharm to use Bitbucket?

  1. Create a free bitbucket account
  2. Launch Pycharm and go to Settings->Plugins
  3. Click on Browse Repositories
  4. Enter Bitbucket into the search field
  5. Highlight the Bitbucket pluging and click on the "dowload & install" icon
  6. Close all windows and re-start Pycharm (required after a plug-in installation)
  7. Relauch Pycharm
  8. Return to settings and select the new Bitbucket option in the IDE section
  9. Enter Bitbucket userID and password.
  10. Click on Add SSH Key button and navigate to the SSH key you used for Bitbucket